The Right Way to Light Charcoal
Lots of folks are perplexed by how to light charcoal. Some use lighter fluid and stand watch over a towering inferno of flames hoping that no nearby children or pets get burned while others find themselves standing over a pathetic smokey pile of black charcoal that never seems to get hot. So for those who enjoy cooking over charcoal (that would be me), here are some tips on how to do it right:
First, don’t use lighter fluid. It can leave an unpleasant odor or taste on the food. Instead, use a charcoal chimney (easily found at Ace Hardware or the grilling section in Meijer). Fill the chimney up based on how much charcoal you need….I usually fill it close to the top, figuring I can leave the leftover charcoal in the grill and use it next time. Put some paper in the bottom of the chimney and then……wait. And then wait some more. And then continue to wait. Lots of folks make the common mistake of dumping the charcoal into the grill once they see lots of smoke….
It’s too soon! Keep waiting.
If you dump the coals now, your grill will struggle to get above 200 degrees and you will be sorely tempted to dump a bunch of lighter fluid onto the fire in an attempt to get the heat going (which may not even work). Far better to wait a little bit longer until you see flames shooting above the chimney….
Now that’s HOT!
This is the perfect time to dump the coals into the grill, close the lid and start bringing the grill up to temperature (adjusted the air vents as needed). Using this method will ensure that the grill gets hot as quickly as possible. In fact it may even be too hot, in which case you simply need to cut back on the air until the temperature has come down.
Give it a try and Happy Grilling!